A masterpiece by Lorenzo Lotto in dialogue through the centuries with the paintings of Giovanni Frangi. Art marks a community’s post-Covid resurgence.
Following the success of “Tintoretto Rivelato”(Tintoretto Unmasked) in 2020, the Madonna del Rosario Cultural Association of Lecco – in collaboration with the Municipality of Lecco, Cariplo Foundation and Lecco Community Foundation and with the support of private public partners – decided to re-propose a cultural event of enormous value from December 6, 2020 to July 4, 2021, comparing a masterpiece by Lorenzo Lotto with the works specifically created by contemporary artist Giovanni Frangi at the city’s exhibition space in Palazzo delle Paure. Welcome was asked to develop and manage the event communication and the crowdfunding that made it possible.
The communication plan that was developed was inspired by the exhibition name: “Lotto. The restlessness of reality. The penetrating eye of Giovanni Frangi”. Welcome intuited the need to accentuate both the aspect of dialogue between the two artists, and the contemporaneity of the message of Lorenzo Lotto, the man, translating it into a visual of emotional impact.
The heart of the communication– also in consideration of the regulations imposed for containing Covid – was the EVENT WEBSITE, which presented an abundance of in-depth content and an extremely well-structured news section, where the videos of the numerous webinars created, managed and moderated were also hosted, as well as an online booking program for access. Particularly significant was the communication activity on social media (Instagram and Facebook), both in the crowdfunding phase and throughout the exhibition.
For the event Welcome also created an exquisite large-format catalogue, as well as a series of online and offline communication materials (billboards, posters, pamphlets, cards, etc.). The Agency also coordinated with the design studio to produce all the on-site communication media.
Welcome managed the Media Relations regarding both the local media and the national and trade (art and culture) media, obtaining over 400 presences. It also oversaw public relations with the sponsors.